About Me

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After living in Portugal for 15 years and teaching English in various capacities there, including at the University of Aveiro, I moved back to the United States in 2019. Returning for our church was the best decision we have ever made and God has been so good to us. Reading the Bible everyday and trying to keep the commandments of Jesus are my priorities, along with loving my family and all the people God has put into my life. Helping people is something I enjoy doing, and meeting the individual needs of students who want to learn English is important to me.

Medical/International Business English

Medical English

Listening skills as well as pronunciation are imperative when working in a medical environment.  I have helped students prepare for and pass the Step 2 CS (Step 2 Clinical Skills exam part of the U.S. Medical license exam).  Practicing mock patient scenarios is paramount to developing good listening, and speaking skills, along with interpersonal skills, and appropriate responses to various situations.  Using guidelines for the exam, along with practice cases students can go into the exam with confidence.  
This can also be useful for people who speak English as a second language already working in the medical field.  

Contact me for a lesson!  Silvaenglishonline@gmail.com

Business English

Confidence is an integral part of business dealings, and can be gained not only through improving your listening skills and conversational English, but also by knowing more about your own culture, and the culture of those you will be interacting with.  Misunderstandings can be avoided through researching the cultural norms of the person or people with whom you have business.
An extremely helpful website I use as a resource with students is the following:
This site allows you to compare your own country to other countries, looking at things like the distribution of power between classes within a society, levels of individualism, and more.
Knowledge is power, and the more you know about other people and yourself, the more easily your business transactions will flow.

I also like to use books like Market Leader from Pearson and Longman.  There are many other resources that can be used in lessons, and of course individual needs are always considered and investigated through personal research on my part.

Contact me for a lesson! silvaenglishonline@gmail.com

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