Monday, January 9, 2017

ANSWERS- The Big Bang Theory- Did You Hate My Short Hair

1.     What did Sheldon head-butt?
The water fountain
2.     What did Sheldon mean to do?
Punch the water fountain.
3.     The girl says she can’t imagine Sheldon being violent.  His friend says to just picture what?
The three stooges
4.     What does Sheldon say is completely illogical?
5.     What is Roger jealous of?
Two of the couples having happy relationships.
6.     What does Roger’s family have that people are jealous of?
7.     Sheldon’s girlfriend has been envious of what since she met Penny?
Penny’s looks
8.     She was happy when Penny did what?
Cut her hair off.
9.     Penny asks if they liked her hair cut, and one girl says she thought it was what?
10. Penny asks why no one is talking about Howard’s what?
Dopey haircut