Saturday, May 13, 2017


(1:18) "He comes on the king tide."

King tide is a colloquial term for an especially high spring tide, such as a perigean spring tide. "King tide" is not a scientific term, nor is it used in a scientific context.

  • perigean spring tide is a tide that occurs three or four times a year when the Moon's perigee (its closest point to Earth during its 28-day elliptical orbit) coincides with a spring tide (when the Earth, Sun and Moon are nearly aligned every two weeks).

Answers - I Love Lucy English Exercise

  • at a girl- a phrase of encouragement.  Short for "that a girl."
  • sunk in- was understood.
  • stay in their place- they do what they're supposed to do and don't try to go beyond that.
  • you've got the vote- you're able to vote; you're allowed to vote.