Loves Raymond
Working Girl (0:00-2:05)
(idioms and phrases included)
Missing out-
not able to participate in things that are going on; secluded from things
Where is
this coming from?- Why are you saying this?
PR- public
Part time-
working less than 35 hours a week
available job positions
Race track-
a place where horses or dogs race, and people go to bet money and watch.
1. Where was Debora?
2. Ray asks her if anyone looked what?
3. How is Debora feeling?
4. When Ray asks her if she’s leaving
him, what does she say?
5. The girls were talking about the
exciting things they’re doing. What is
Debora’s friend Gail doing? What is
Linda doing?
6. Debora said that all she could talk
about was what?
7. Ray wasn’t paying attention to what
Debora was saying and what did he think she said?
8. Debora is thinking about going back
to where?
9. What is Raymond worried about?
10. When Debora tells him he did a great
job keeping the house clean and taking care of the kids, how does he respond?
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