Vocabulary (idioms and phrases included)
Crush- an adolescent admiration or attraction to someone
Stationary- paper that an invitation or letter is written on
Country club- a club that people who are in the upper class
belong to, with facilities members can use, like rooms to hold parties in.
Formal attire- clothing like a tuxedo and long gown, worn to
a formal event
Gown- long dress
Pushy- aggressive, assertive
Hide and seek- a game children play where they have to find
each other
Deborah asks Ally if she had fun at Molly’s and
Ally said yes, and that she invited her to her _________________.
Ray asks who Dave is and Deborah explains that
Dave Yeager is who Ally has had a _______________ on forever.
Deborah tells Marie to get a load of what?
Where is Peggy having Molly’s party?
What do the children have to wear to the party?
They refer to Peggy (Molly’s mother) as the
cookie lady and laugh about her doing what to Ray?
As Deborah reads the invitation she sees that
she’s even picked out what for them?
She tells the parents where to buy the gown and
if you mention Peggy’s name what do you get?
Ray says when you mention her name it’s also to
open what?
10. Amy
can’t believe this is for a kid’s birthday party and asked what happened to
11. Why
is it no one every found Robert when he played hide and seek according to
12. Marie
says Amy is right about these parties.
“I mean to hire people to play records, magicians, entertainment. When I was a child……” How does Frank finish
her statement?
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