About Me

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After living in Portugal for 15 years and teaching English in various capacities there, including at the University of Aveiro, I moved back to the United States in 2019. Returning for our church was the best decision we have ever made and God has been so good to us. Reading the Bible everyday and trying to keep the commandments of Jesus are my priorities, along with loving my family and all the people God has put into my life. Helping people is something I enjoy doing, and meeting the individual needs of students who want to learn English is important to me.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

I Love Lucy- Season 2 Episode 11

I Love Lucy
Lucy Changes Her Mind at a Restaurant
Season 2 Episode 14 (0:00-1:45)

Vocabulary (idioms and phrases included)
Felt like- wanted something in particular
Crazy about- really like something
As you were- go back to waiting again
Diners- people go to dine or eat
Smarty- someone who is being sarcastic
Fortify myself- strengthen myself (in this case by eating something)

1.     Do they know where they’re going to dinner when Lucy comes out and asks them what they’re waiting for?
2.     What does Ethel say she kind of felt like tonight?
3.     Lucy likes Chinese food but what is she crazy about?
4.     What is ok by Ethel?
5.     Why does Lucy stop and say, “oh darn it”?
6.     What does Lucy remember the second time she stops?
7.     What is Ricky’s suggestion?
8.     What does Lucy ask Ricky if he wants?
9.     What does Ricky want?
10. What kind of place does Lucy want to go to?
11. What are there lots of in the paper?

12. Why does Fred decide to fortify himself by eating something?

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