What does Ricky say when he comes into the house
and puts his hands over Lucy’s eyes?
Guess who it is.
When Ricky asks who is coming over for dinner,
what is Lucy’s response?
How do you like the new water glasses?
The second time Ricky asks who is coming over
what does Lucy say?
Doesn’t the table look beautiful?
When Ricky finally asks “whom” is coming over
tonight, Lucy says besides what?
Mim and youm
When he says never mind that what are their
names, what does she say?
Fred and Ethel Mertz.
Ricky says wait and minute and that he thought
That they had a big fight and were mad at
each other
Where is Fred staying?
At the Y.
Where won’t Ethel let Fred into?
The house.
What was the understanding they had?
That she wasn’t going to mess around in
other people’s affairs.
10. What
is it that Ricky sometimes thinks?
That she doesn’t have anything inside her
11. What
can’t Lucy stand?
Seeing them apart like this.
12. What
did she hear all morning?
Ethel crying.
13. What
does Lucy bet?
That Fred is eating his heart out too.
14. What
is up to them according to Lucy?
To get Fred and Ethel back together again.
15. He
agrees and says that after Lucy has gone to all this trouble the what is dead?
The cast
16. What
is the idiom he was trying to use?
The die is cast.
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