Vocabulary (idioms and phrases included)
You might say that- yes
Toodle-loo- bye
Ended it- stopped the relationship
More to Newman than meets the eye- Newman has things about
him that people don’t know about
Enigma (a mystery wrapped in a riddle)- something difficult
to understand
Rare treat- a special honor
The East Wing- the part of the apartment building on the
East side
Pudgy- someone who is fat
Skin is crawling- having a very uncomfortable feeling
Rat’s nest- a dirty place to live
My type- the type of person suited for me
Didn’t do it for me- didn’t make me happy, didn’t interest
Drop by- come over
Golf tee- a little stick you put into the ground and place
the golf ball on
Hung up on him- still
thinking about him and liking him
Who is Newman looking for when he comes to
Jerry’s door?
What is the name of the woman in Jerry’s living
How does Newman know her?
What is Jerry’s reaction?
Why did Margarite stop seeing Newman?
How long ago was it?
When Jerry tells Elaine that she went out with
Newman, she says it must be a _____________.
What is the main question Jerry wants answered?
Elaine responds by saying what?
10. Jerry
says that he’s looked into Newman’s eyes and that he’s what?
11. Jerry
says that Newman is a mystery wrapped in a what?
12. When
Jerry asks Newman what happened, Newman responds that she just wasn’t his what?
13. Does
Newman think she’s attractive?
14. What
does Newman need?
15. What
does Newman offer Jerry to drink?
16. About
how many times did she go out with Newman?