About Me

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After living in Portugal for 15 years and teaching English in various capacities there, including at the University of Aveiro, I moved back to the United States in 2019. Returning for our church was the best decision we have ever made and God has been so good to us. Reading the Bible everyday and trying to keep the commandments of Jesus are my priorities, along with loving my family and all the people God has put into my life. Helping people is something I enjoy doing, and meeting the individual needs of students who want to learn English is important to me.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Seinfeld- Soup Nazi

Soup Nazi

Vocabulary (idioms and phrases included)
Soup stand- a small restaurant where you can buy soup
Raving about it- talking very highly about it
Stunned- shocked
Knees buckle- your knees become weak, usually from some form of excitement, and you can’t stand
Caveat- a warning
Nazi- a person who is fanatic about controlling a certain activity
Embellish- exaggerate
Extraneous comments- anything said that isn’t relevant to the situation

1.        What is Elaine in the mood for?
2.       Jerry says they gotta go to where?
3.       Who has been going to the soup stand?
4.       Jerry says that you can’t eat the soup standing up because what happens?
5.       Jerry says there’s only one caveat.  The guy who runs the place is a little temperamental, especially about the what?
6.       He’s secretly referred to as what?
7.       What happens if you don’t order right?
8.       Jerry tells them to follow the what?
9.       Jerry says the main thing is to what?
10.   Jerry says it’s very important not to _____________ on your order.
11.   Jorge didn’t get any bread.  When he tells the man he thinks he forgot his bread, what is the man (soup nazi)’s response?
12.   Jorge says that everyone in front of him got free bread.  When Jorge tells the man that he wants bread, what is the new amount due for the bread?

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