About Me

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After living in Portugal for 15 years and teaching English in various capacities there, including at the University of Aveiro, I moved back to the United States in 2019. Returning for our church was the best decision we have ever made and God has been so good to us. Reading the Bible everyday and trying to keep the commandments of Jesus are my priorities, along with loving my family and all the people God has put into my life. Helping people is something I enjoy doing, and meeting the individual needs of students who want to learn English is important to me.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Everybody Loves Raymond-The English Language According to Ray

The English Language According to Ray

Vocabulary (idioms and phrases included)
Puppet show- a performance (play or musical) in which the performers are puppets.

Fallopian- this is the name given to the two tubes in a woman’s body through which eggs travel.
Milestone- a major event in someone’s life
Cop- police officer
Professorial- adjective form of professor, used to describe someone who is academically intelligent
Accrued- periodically added
Foul ball- this is a baseball term for a ball that goes outside of the foul (boundary) lines and sometimes goes flying into the audience watching the game.
Comes at you (5:26)- in this case Ray is referring to a foul ball that came flying in his direction.
Moculatory (5:52)- this is a word Ray made up based on the word “mock” which means to make fun of or criticize.
I-Hop- a short way to say “International House of Pancakes” which is a famous chain restaurant frequented by Americans.
Live auction- the sale of items which is conducted in a public place where people bid (offer) an amount of money and the person who places the highest bid (offers the most amount of money) receives an item. 
Droning on- talking a lot without saying anything important
Smarty pants- someone who thinks they know everything


1. (0:036)  What is the word Ray uses in place of preposition?

2. (3:34)  What is the reason Robert gives for saying the word cop?

3. (6:24)  What are some words Ray has trouble pronouncing?

4. (9:48) Ray says, “It is morally and ethnically wrong.”  What is the mistake in this sentence?

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