Mike and Molly
Peggy’s New Beau
Hors dóeuvre- a food served in small amounts before the main
course of a meal
low cal- short for low calorie
tree bark- tasteless like the bark of a tree
doubled up on the spray
cheese- put extra spray cheese on them.
Fellow- gentlemen
seeing socially- doing things together as friends
tramp talk- conversations about things that are vulgar
size him up- analyze what kind of person he is
smooth talker- a person who knows what to say to make people
like them or do what they want
con man- a person who swindles other people
prey on- go after, hunt
stags- an adult male
lock horns- adult males when they are fighting when butting
their heads against each other often lock their horns together
lay out a few ground rules- explain to him what he can and
can’t do
What are the hors dóeuveres that Peggy serves?
What is Peggy’s response when Molly asks what
time her boyfriend is getting there?
When Peggy says that he is just a friend from
church that she’s seeing socially, what does Molly ask?
What is Peggy not amused by?
What does Mike think it’s a good idea for him to
What does Peggy warn them about?
What does she say he could sell to an Arab?
What does Mike say he can spot a mile away?
What does he say they like to prey on?
10. Peggy
says she doesn’t want them “locking horns” in the living room. Mike tells her he’s just going to let him
know that he’s what?
11. What
does the man call Mike when he opens the door?
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